It’s been a while since we have blogged but this recent Harlem Shake craze has prompted us to write  but with all our clothes on. As if the Gangam style video reaching one billion views on Youtube in record time wasn’t enough this Harlem Shake phenomenon seems set to do simliar or even greater albeit a cumulative effort from millions of persons of all ages who have removed the word “ashamed” from their vocabulary. The viral nature of the web now in itself has gone viral with hundres of millions of cumulative views within a few weeks.

How something so ridiculous becomes so popular leaves the imagination to wonder what stupid craze will be next.

The real question for those of us whose bread and butter is directly related to the viral coefficient of our product, is “Is this the framework for a new kind of business?”.  Perhaps (shocks just checked the domain is already registered by cyber squatters) or or whereby we could get persons to make a video of themselves giving away money in a ridiculous position. Hey if you are already throwing away your reputation, self- respect and future job prospects in permanent way (once it hits the web that’s it), why not do it for a good cause?